Note: The first few updates won't be dated, because I forget when I did it.
February 1999:
February 19th: Added the new submittions to the run page and added a new norn to the C2 page. I awarded the cool site award to The Truth About Grendels.
February 18th: The run is over! See the results on the C2 run result page! I'm now accepting submittions for the next wolfling run; I already have two, sent to me by Norn_Luver86 and Jackie. Thanks! Tomorrow I'll put the submitions up, giving those who want to download the previous competitors a chance to do so. Well, that's all for now, but more later!
Later February 17th: I've got enough norns for the C2 run, which will be done tonight. Tomorrow I will post all creatures in the world at the end of their run, along with all of their ancestors from the beginning listed. I also added an, admittedly small, C2 grendel page. Check back tomorrow for the results of the run.
February 17th: Mardi Gras is over and I took down the decorations. I also added a C2 norn page. And for those of you who wanted to submit your site for the award but couldn't, I fixed it.
February 12th: I added an awards page.
February 6th: I added a fair number of cobs, as well as a link to a very nice site, Orchid's Cretures 2 Garden. I will add some more norns in a little while. (Note: a "little while" can be as long as 3 days, so don't start emailing me til then) Also, I've pretty much finished the volcano grendels, I just need to get the kinks out. I also added the navbar graphics. That's all for now, more later.
February 2nd: I added the to animations above, next to the banner. I also see that 1000 has passed, and number 1000 will remain in anonymity. Oh, well. I'll be adding some cobs later, so hang in there.
February 1st: Ok, I'm working on a major up date over today and tomarrow, and I'm only a coupla visitors away from 1000! If you are number 1000, please email me, and if you want, I'll put your name here! So stay tooned.
January 1999:
January 27th: Just doing some general tidying up. I was sick the past few days and I couldn't get an update up. I'll be adding some new norns, and possibly some new cobs soon.
January 18th: Removed the name query applet, and made most of the pop-up windows flat. The quizlet is now under the list of updates.
January 16th: Added a new norn.
January 14th: Changing the color scheme for Mardi Gras! Some parts haven't been changed yet, but I'll finish the job in a couple of hours.
January 12th: Added the name query applet.
January 8th: I decided on this new layout. Hope you like it! I'm also gonna add more cobs soon.
Later January 3rd: I've decided that this site is only going to be updated a couple of times a week. This is so I have time to do other things, such as work on Farenk, my new C1 world. I will also start adding some of my own cobs. Until next time, au revoir.
January 3rd: Added my first cob, a stink bomb.**hehe** Check it out in the cobs section.
January 2nd: I just found out Slink's great site is, for the most part, down. Slink had a great site, home to many cobs and Terra Nornia. Farewell Slink. Her site has been marked with the new "site down" graphic on the links page.
Later January 1st: Added two more norns, and updated the Franken norns zip.
January 1st: Ok, added a new section, past updates. Once per month it will be updated. Also, Happy New Year!! Farenk is progressing well, and the Franken norns arre still up for d/l. Be sure to check them out. I'm going to put up more norns on the adoption page soon.
December 1998:
December 30th: *sigh* My counter's passed 500. Unfortuantly, number 500 will remain anonymous. I've added a new webring, and check out the *chuckle* ERFPC button at the bottom of the page.*hehe* That's all for now, more updates coming soon.
My counter's creeping towards 500. If you're number 500, please email me, and if you want, I'll put your name here!
Due to circumstances beyond my will take longer than expected to finish Farenk. I'm still going to do it, I'm not quiting, but it will take much longer than I thought.
Ping has a new URL! Check it out on the links page
Ok, my breed is up. I'm getting closer to done on Farenk. It should definately be done by New Years, Valentines at the absolute latest.
Second time in one day! I've started on the genetics page, though as yet I have only one gene. I would've had the new breed up by now except that I'm having trouble uploading. It should be up by tomorrow, Sunday at the latest. I still need help on the sprites for my new world.
All that I did this time was add a Forum. I'll be adding the breed and the genetics page soon.
Ok, got a couple of norns for the C2 wolfling run. I still need two females! I also need norns for the C1 wolfling run. I also need someone to help me do the sprites for the new world. If you would like to help, email me with a sample of your work, preferably small in size. Sorry, I already have the background done. Oh, and I've almost got a new breed for C2 done. It'll be posted soon.
Ok, sorry I haven't updated in a while (two days, wow!), but it's worth the wait. I recieved a norn for the C2 wolfling run from Svenn, thanks! I'm also planning on adding a genetics page soon, so stick around. Another thing: work is in progress for Farenk, a new C1 world. It should be done by Christmas, Valentine's at the latest. This has been another update from PMN Breeder Industries, the people who brought you, um well nothing yet but there's really great stuff in the works!